Of the many developments that occurred in the post-1812 Army was the growth of a domestic arms industry. With the founding of the Republic in 1787, government arsenals in Springfield, MA and Harper's Ferry, VA, were established, providing the Army with a set of dedicated manufacturing facilities devoted to small arms. Entrepreneur and inventor Eli Whitney was able to introduce and refine his production system which manufactured small arms with machine tools, allowing for the standardization of parts and processes. It was an important time. Take a listen!
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John C. Calhoun wanted change. He not only advocated for an expansable army, but made initiated significant reforms in how the Army would be commanded in the field as well as its supply and administration. The office of the commanding general was created as well as various bureaus that managed the supply of the army in the field and its administration. While these reforms were critical in professionalizing the Army, they were less than perfect and, in some minds, would create more problems than solve. Take a listen!
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